Why Do I Continue to Crucify The Son of God ?

Disclaimer: I know nothing! It is not this author’s responsibility to convince or even suggest any individual be( lie )ve what is written here, it is the sole (soul )  responsibility of each individual to decide what their journey means to them. This author understands all things are a form of energy, only in the illusory world made up by the ego. This author sees all things to be myths. 

KJV Acts 9:4 ” And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? “

This story in Acts is about the Son of God who was blind or asleep in a dream state and was awakened by the Light aka Christ aka Holy Spirit.

From this junction on Paul knows who he really is. Paul had been crucifying himself every time he was persecuting others. There is no difference between what Paul did and when I attack my brother. This doesn’t have to be physically or verbally, it is the thought I send out to the collective mind that will come back to me as guilt. We all are one, the Son of God.

The ego aka con man convinces us by telling us pleasure is found in our flesh. The trick is pleasure in the flesh only leads to pain and death. To clarify, death is the continuous cycle of the ( illusion ) dream state. Some call this reincarnation or transformation.  

Paul realized it is the mind that needs to be resurrected. The flesh is the illusion made by the ego aka wrong mind of The Son Of God and by denouncing the flesh aka illusion we find the truth in Christ`s resurrection.

I have been experiencing a cleansing of the ego, for this author it starts with forgiveness and understanding the true meaning of this. When I started to really examine my thoughts it became clear I was crucifying my brothers and sisters through the perception of the flesh and what I thought their motives were.

As I continued to judge them it became clearer how I was really judging myself through how I was perceiving them according to their actions and visual appearance. This became very frustrating and somewhat humorous when I would instantly know it was happening as I realized how meaningless the ego thoughts are. 

I say meaningless due to knowing who I really am and how this illusion trapped me. I now continue to work on seeing beyond the flesh and accepting all as The Son of God and my brother. ( gender is only used to clarify spirit as one, if you like you can use daughter or sister  )

Jesus showed us the flesh was meaningless through the resurrection which is of the mind, he knew he was not a body. Crucifying is only of the ego. The belief in death is the illusion built into the dream. 

The last thing Jesus wanted was to become a martyr, which is what the church turned him into.  When he said follow me, he meant to follow his example ( which was forgiveness ) not to worship him. 

I leave you with this to ponder. Was sin a way to instill fear and guilt into masking who you really are? 

Infinite Love,

Jack Shea
“Finding Truth”

“Knowledge is knowing which enables you with the power to know the truth about love.” ( John Michael )

“Fear when eliminated opens up many doors. Love when understood keeps those doors open.”

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