What Is The Second Coming of Christ ?

The Second Coming Of Christ

Disclaimer: I know nothing! It is not this author’s responsibility to convince or even suggest any individual believe what is written here, it is the sole (soul )  responsibility of each individual to decide what their journey means to them. This author understands all things are a form of energy, only in the illusory world made up by the ego.

Many individuals believe this to be a literal arrival of the Son of God. This coming of Christ has been predicted many times over the last 2000 plus years of what we call history.

With the Chaos perceived in this world there is much speculation about prophecies being fulfilled. Such as strange weather patterns, more tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and of course Global Warming hysteria. Follow this up with all the Global violence, the battle for the right of equality in the U.S.A.  All this projects a perceived division amongst brothers and sisters.

All prophecy comes from the ego mind to induce fear into those who believe they are guilty and have sinned. Life and death can not coexist, to accept one is to deny the other. The ego requires sacrifice through the illusion of death. It is impossible for God the Father to require the sacrifice of his Son. By doing so this would make him no different than the ego. Love demands nothing and asks for no sacrifice. 

The ego makes us feel guilty and unworthy, condemning us for sinning against the Father. We made the ego our god and believe this illusion to be our reality. If we believe God the Father is our creator then we must be sinless, because what He created is of Him.

KJV  Revelations 21:1  “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”  ( This is an impossible reality for Heaven is eternal, and what is eternal can not be recreated.)  Heaven and Earth are dualities and can only exist in a split mind.

The Second Coming of Christ is the resurrection of the Son of God which is us, the awakening of Christ ( resurrection of the mind ) in us and the end of the dream and all the illusions made by the ego.  KJV Matthew 24:36 ” But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”  ( this will occur for each Son of God when he/she is ready )

Believing in judgment passed onto my brother is believing this will release it from me. Not understanding that what I give away only returns.

When you made visible what is not true, what is true became invisible to you. (ACIM, T-12.VIII.3:1)    

Infinite Love to All

John Michael Shea III aka JMS29

“Knowledge is knowing which enables you with the power to know the truth about love.” ( John Michael )

“Fear when eliminated opens up many doors. Love when understood keeps those doors open.”

Connecting To Sophia-Gaia By Way Of Gematria The Story Of Creation The Journey Of My Soul

This is a story I wrote in 2017 and was a big part of helping me move beyond what is seen by my eyes ( perception ) and helped me to continue to seek more understanding as to why we are enslaved by the ego thought system.

There are a lot of numbers in this story and it may be hard for many to relate. That is OK after all everything is fiction.

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