Forgiveness Is The Key To Happiness

Forgiveness Is The Key To Happiness

Disclaimer: I know nothing! It is not this author’s responsibility to convince or even suggest any individual believe what is written here, it is the sole (soul )  responsibility of each individual to decide what their journey means to them. This author understands all things are a form of energy, only in the illusory world made up by the ego.

Before I can reap the benefits of forgiveness I must first understand what true forgiveness is. Many times I have said I forgive you without any real passion behind it. Forgiveness is the key to releasing guilt. When I forgive someone I am also forgiving myself.

How much anger, resentment and bitterness is too much? Any of these controlling feelings will eventually destroy your relationships and your health. It doesn’t matter if your current relationships haven’t caused these negative feelings, there will be a time when something will set them off.

There are always two sides to forgiveness, if you were the individual who was harmed even if the perpetrator has never come to you and asked for forgiveness it is up to you to forgive. This can be very hard to do and it may take years before you have realized how much damage holding onto this has caused you and others. It is not necessary to do this face to face but it is vital to do.

Now if you were the perpetrator first you would need to admit you were wrong and ask the individual or parties you harmed for their forgiveness. Making amends as soon as possible is important. However you must recognize when it would be best to do so. It would be wise to let the individual have some time to cool off or recover physically or emotionally before you attempt to reconcile your relationship with this person.

When you understand how great you feel after you have done your part you will want to rectify any future incidents you may become involved in quickly. When you have taken responsibility to ask an individual for forgiveness don`t expect to get a positive response all the time. Some individuals may not forgive you, understanding this is not your responsibility one must now move on, your part is finished.

Just shrugging the offense off and not really accepting or being serious in asking forgiveness will only delay the healing process. This can eventually become noticeable by others in the way you interact with those who were involved. This kind of behavior can lead to deeper resentment and cause more damage in the long term.

All pain whether it be physical or emotional is due to the belief in separation which has caused sin, guilt and fear to seem and feel real. Every time I attack  a brother or sister it is due to unconscious guilt I project out of fear within. 

Being as Christ the Son of God along with all my brothers and sisters it is the belief that we are separated from The Father the cause for seeing everyone as different. Believing we are bodies is the greatest magic trick the ego has pulled off. 

This is only the beginning of learning what true forgiveness is and as I understand more how forgiveness is actually about forgiving myself even if I was attacked by a brother or sister I am working to being at peace with all things. Learning to live in a forgiving state is a lifestyle I am coming to cherish. 

Infinite Love to All

John Michael Shea III aka JMS29

“Knowledge is knowing which enables you with the power to know the truth about love.” ( John Michael )

“Fear when eliminated opens up many doors. Love when understood keeps those doors open.” ( John Michael )

Connecting To Sophia-Gaia By Way Of Gematria The Story Of Creation The Journey Of My Soul

This is a story I wrote in 2017 and was a big part of helping me move beyond what is seen by my eyes ( perception ) and helped me to continue to seek more understanding as to why we are enslaved by the ego thought system.

There are a lot of numbers in this story and it may be hard for many to relate. That is OK after all everything is fiction.

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