
Gematria is a method of interpreting words, based on numerical values of letters.(Greek geometria) Every thing that is created by man involves mathematics, geometry aka Sacred Geometry (Pi). I find it interesting the words Gematria and Geometria when added using the cipher equal 70 and if we use decimal parity 7+0 = 7. Why is this significant, well if you spell out 7 seven it equals 22 and 22\7 = 3.142.. which is the closest known fraction to Pi (P3,I5 ) = 8. This writer will be using simple math aka addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the work below.

The English alphabet has 26 letters and the number system used by this author for letters are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for the first 13 letters A-M and the number system for the last 13 letters are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, N-Z. Notice the number 7 is in the middle of the sequence. Origin of this cypher may have come from Freemasons, who could have adopted it from the Kabbalah or Chaldean numerology systems.

Our 8 Day Journey ( Reflecting Back )

Disclaimer: I know nothing! It is not this author’s responsibility to convince or even suggest any individual believe what is written here, it is the sole ( SOUL ) responsibility of each individual to decide what their journey means to them. This author understands all things are a form of energy, only in this illusory world made by the ego.

Many of you may not relate to any of this, that doesn`t matter.

My goal is to have peace no matter what happens to me or around me.

The reason for this trip was due to illness my mom ” Margaret Pearl Shea ” had been battling and all indications pointed to her departing very soon. The name Margaret is girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “pearl”. She always went by the name Pearl. Pearl is the Gem of the ocean.

At the time I booked my fight in order to get the best rate it would be an 8 day trip. Leaving on the 6th. and returning on the 14th.

I have written about this number 8 before and at this time I was not really into how this would relate to my trip.

I would be flying from Pasco and my destination was Boston.
Pasco = 15 and Boston = 20, 15+20 = 35, 3+5 = 8. I had about a three hour layover in Seattle. Seattle = 33, 7 letters, 1 word (:

When the flight attendant announced the safety procedures and said there were 8 exits, 4 doors and 4 windows and prior to this I was able to change my seat and get an exit row seat next to the window, and the flight number was DL 332 here we have the number 8 and adding the letters DL = 6 so the total is 14 = 5. I thought why is this number 8 following me around again. The row number was 19 and I was in seat F. Later I looked at the departure gate and it was B7A.

I will reflect more on the number 19 the letter F and the gate B7A .

My confirmation number from Travelocity was F9GM8Z not only does it have the numbers 9 + 8 = 17 = 8, the total value = 32 = 5. I have two brother and two sisters.

I would be staying at my sister Linda`s house for the duration. My legal name is John ( J4,O2,H6,N1 ) = 13 – Linda ( L2,I5,N1,D4,A1 ) = 13 – 13 +13 = 26 = 8.

The next morning while sitting on my sisters porch I just happened to look around and noticed a box that had 8 quart jars written on it. ( 8 x 32 = 256 ) Next I noticed a mat at the bottom of the ramp to the room my mom was staying in. It had 8 stars across the top and 8 stars across the bottom with the initials USA ( U6,S6,A1 ) in the middle. I now new this was going to be a crazy 8`s visit.

One day while sitting out on the patio with my brother Kevin I mentioned the mat to him. We were going to BBQ and needed some propane and ice and he was driving. I noticed his inspection sticker and in the middle was an 8. We like to play Cribbage and Gin. When we got back we needed to finish a game of Gin from the day before and the score was 131 to 111 which = 8. He won the game and laid down his discard and I said this better not be an 8, well it was.

Cribbage was mom`s favorite game and her favorite drink was a Gin Martini.

I`m not sure what day it was but I also had a game to finish with my brother Mark aka Wink and the score from the that game was 59 to 57 = 116 = 8. There was also another game in the week that we needed to finished and the score was 62 to 8. Here we have our two 8`s showing up again.

During this trip there were times when my sister Darlene would notice her phone was at 88%, this was also the case for me. This happened at random times.

The word Soul ( S6,O2,U6,L2 ) notice how the first two and last two letters each equal 8.

Well there were cars coming in and out of the driveway all week and most of them had the number 8 and some had two 8`s in there plate numbers.

Coming back from playing horseshoes at my brother Wink`s on the drive I see this sigh with the number 8 in the middle of it. Wink said that is a reminder for vehicle registration.

At this time we were all wanting mom to move on. My sister Linda who is a RN thought it was getting real close for mum to let go. We all had told her it was time for her to go home. On the morning of the 13th. Linda while holding her hand told her were we all together and getting along. She took her flight at 9:40 that morning. ( 13 + 13 = 26 = 8 ) There were 3 of us in the house at that time.

She was started on morphine on the 8th. and there are five of us. She took one day for each of us and Linda is the first born of the five.

Reflecting on the number 19. the letter F and the gate # B7A

Nineteen = 30 = 3

Cribbage = 30 = 3

Eight = 30 = 3

F = Six = 14 = 5

B7A = 10 = 1

Mom`s Journey – 3/2/1932 = 20 – 9/13/2022 = 19 or 33,067 days. 20-19 = 1. 33,067 = 19.

Gem = 13 – Gin = 13 – 13+13 = 26 = 8

Her Chandler St. address numbers were 475 415 = 26 = 8

( Margaret Pearl Shea – 17 Letters )

Mass was on 9/20/2022 = 17 = 8

Blessed Sacrament Church = 89 = 17 = 8

Barbers Crossing Road House = 98 = 17 = 8 ( one of my mom`s favorite places to go for lunch )

Hearse Plate Number was 1700 = 8

St. John`s Cemetery = 65 = 11 = 2

The Statue at Hampton Beach is called ” The Lady Of The Sea ” = 65 = 11 = 2 , ( 15 letters, 5 words- 15+5 = 20 = 2 ) her mass was at 11 EST. time and 8 PST. my time.

When she went to the beach her favorite spot was by this statue.

Sixty Five = 44 = 8 ( 9 letters, 2 words ) 9+2 = 11 = 2

Eleven = 23 = 5 rhymes with Heaven = 23 = 5

Resurrection = 55 = 10 = 1

The night before I was leaving we all got together at Kevin and Laura`s home at 3 Underwood St. where we all lived together at one time.

Below are our initials at the time of what we call birth.


Below are our initials now.

MPS LML JMS MJS KMS DMT = 59 = 14 = 5

Below are our initials using mom`s maiden name.

MPC LMS JMS MJS KMS DMS = 59 = 14 = 5

( F6,I5,V5,E5 ) = 21 = 3

The difference is 3 or ( T7,H6,R5,E5,E5 ) = 28 = 10 = 1

Oneness = 26 – 7 letters 1 word

Wholeness = 37 – 9 letters 1 word

Join in the mind. = 47 – 13 letters 4 words. It takes two to do something. The word ( M1,I5,N1,D4 ) = 11 = 2.

We either join with the ego which is separation ( FEAR ) or we join with the Christ Mind ( LOVE ) who we really are. ONE ( O2,N1,E5 ) = 8

Our 8 Day Journey = 53 = 8

Love Is The Key = 53 = 8

Forgiveness = 53 = 5

Travelocity = 44 = 8

1996-2022 Travelocity, Inc ( 26 years )

Infinite love to all,

John ( Jack ) Michael Shea aka JMS29